Archive for the ‘Clint Cure’ Category

Rehab exit interview: Clint Cure

December 30, 2007

1. Briefly describe your experience at comic artist rehab:

The 4 week program really helped me to get back on the comic track.

2. What, if anything, did you learn from the program?

I learnt that we should all try to just get along. I also learnt that I like to draw comics. Which I new before but I forgot.

3. Which one of your own comics are you most pleased with and why?

I like the one where we laugh in bed. I like how it’s drawn and it seems to work as a story and as a gag.

4. Which one of your own comics are you least pleased with and why?

I don’t like the last one. It doesn’t say much.

5. Do you hope to keep up drawing comics after rehab? If so, how often.

I’ll get into some comics I’ve been meaning to do but I won’t be drawing to a deadline, so not as often. Shame really.

6. Any suggestions for future rounds?

We need a holiday break. This is a travelling time of year. I found it really hard to get acess to the internet which is why this is late.

Round Two: Day Twenty Eight

December 28, 2007


This strip has taken on a variety of forms but is still a bit rushed. It’s my last for this round. After all my bleak material I wanted to say that I’m OK now, I have a new girlfriend and I’m happy. But, of course, she gets drunk the other night and tells me she’s screwing another guy and in love with someone else… and the world spins on.

Round Two: Day Twenty Four

December 24, 2007

Im posting this in Devonport Tassie at the local library. These dreams are a little old but I put them down in my sketchbook the night I had them so they’re very close to the actual dreams. I had a lot like this but these two were the most vivid. This one is probably a bit one-sided but its my sub-conscious feelings at the time, rising to the surface.

Round Two: Day Twenty

December 19, 2007

sleep4.jpgWhat can I say? This is an old dream. I went through a stage where I had these very vivid nightmares and slept very little. I tried drinking myself to sleep but it didn’t really work. Anyway, I don’t have them anymore and sleep fairly well. There’s a bit of a Windsor Mackaye reference.

Round Two: Day Sixteen

December 16, 2007

Don’t know how I’ll go over Xmas. I can probably get some stuff drawn beforehand but uploading might be an issue.

Round Two: Day Twelve

December 11, 2007

I thought this was going to wear me down but Im really getting into it. It’s good therapy and reminds me of what I really like to do. I had a couple days of sweating, thinking I’m out of ideas, then on the third night, about 3 in the morning, they came flowing out. All except one.Laugh

Round Two: Day Eight

December 8, 2007

Technically I have only ever done one auto-bio story in my life before comix rehab? It was for going down swinging.cycle2.jpg

Round Two: Day Four

December 4, 2007

Man, this is so cool. Timmys post is beautiful. Im so slack tho. I never read the email proper and thought I was doing 1 panel every 4 days but anyway, I had thought about the story believe it or not.Getting Ugly

Artist Introduction: Clint Cure

November 30, 2007


I can get really into a comic and draw for days at a time, once I get started. That’s the hard part.

I’m doing this cos I have another comic I’ve been working on for someone else. It’s ten pages and I’ve taken three years to do the first five.