Round One: Day Twenty Five




5 Responses to “Round One: Day Twenty Five”

  1. bowb Says:

    a perfect ending to round one, this bittersweetness. i wonder if everyone thinks about where to chuck it all in… i still have not found my spot.

    you know that i love the scenery broken across frames. what you don’t know, perhaps, is that i am terribly envious of your lettering. ;P

  2. Claire Says:

    Yes! The lettering is incredibly enviable! I have really enjoyed your comics over the month Amber — I hope you feel fully recovered and will keep producing. Any chance of more?

  3. Alexa Says:

    Lovely and sad. I think about Plunder too, when I’m at Wentworth Falls. Is it almost the end of Comic Rehab? I’ve been looking in every day to break my writing and LOVING IT. I’m so disappointed. There has been so much great stuff.

  4. Emily Says:

    Yes, more! More comics! More!

  5. Rehab Exit Interview: Amber Carvan « Comic Artist Rehab Says:

    […] like the last one, the valley. It was a challenge to write/draw about a macabre/taboo subject in a frank and honest way, but […]

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