Round Nine, Day Five



Who are we to disagree?   Happy birthday Ambs!

Posting this one early ’cause a) busy day tomorrow and b) yay birthday.  Quite enjoying experimenting with other people’s styles… who will be next?

(For those not familiar with the Chatroulette phenom, here’s some linkage.)

5 Responses to “Round Nine, Day Five”

  1. zombo vertov Says:

    happy happies amberrrrrrehab!!!!!! get earthed with the taureans!! youse deserves it…

    i see you is in next radio as paper too….. churrrr bra!!

  2. zombo vertov Says:

    oh yeah how does john get ben folds five on chat roulette, or is that ambers dream?

    i like your small bodies in round one, john. no comic is a comic fail!!

  3. comicrehab Says:



  4. Amber null Carvan Says:

    I realise that I only commented on Facebook not the blog. How rude of me! This was the best birthday present ever Mr Weeks. Love that you even drew my NEW tattoo (wrong arm, but hey…) and the toothbrushing! And the singlet! Hang on OMG are you STALKING me?

    Kidding. Love you. Love your work.

  5. John Weeks Says:

    Thanks, *you* provided all the reference from yr comics in the last round! Why don’t I send over the comics to you and Helen? Just email me a postal.

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